- Students learn the language quickly by inferring some words. For this the teacher uses pictures, posters, cards, mimic, and relax music.
- Students learn because of the teacher`s positive expectation of success and the use of a varied range of methods.
- There must be a background of the learning language.
- It can work with adults because teenagers could get bored.
Activity: (Intermediate level)
- The teacher plays a relaxation music (in the next link you will find different options of relaxation music)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE1hnq8Urpo - She reads a passage and mimes it. Posters and pictures can be on the wall.
- The teacher reads the passage again without miming it.
- Students get in trios one student is the old woman, another student can be the thief, and the last one can be the police officer. They must read the passage and mime it. (3 min)
- Then she/ he reviews the verbs already learned.
- took take run ran
- be was/ were Have had
- can could hear heard
- think thought find found
- see saw catch caught
- stay stayed follow followed
- shout shouted chase chased
- drop dropped jump jumped
Practice: (5 min)
After that, the teacher will have two; a blue and a red boxes. Students will receive some cards which contain verbs in the base form, and they have to place the regular verbs in the blue box, and the irregular verbs in the red one.
- You (students) will receive some cards which contain verbs in the base form.
- Look at them and decide which ones of them are irregular and regular verbs.
- Place the regular verbs in the blue box and the irregular verbs in the red box.
- For this activity you have (5 min)
These pictures can be on the wall in order to help the students to understand the reading a little more.

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